On Adulting

On Adulting


Millions of people feel like the moment they entered adulthood, life became a negotiation rather than a choice. On Adulting is the go-to guide for anyone who is confused about the process of “growing up” - and is craving the chance to get off life’s work-sleep hamster wheel.

Katina wrote this book for anyone who wants to build a life that feels truly alive. Using the latest scientific research and tools to start making change right now, On Adulting is your journey back to…yourself.

Praise for On Adulting


Praise for On Adulting 〰️

“Oh, to have had this book when I was in my 20s! Katina is Saturday night, Sunday brunch, and Monday morning rolled up into one: that unicorn friend with whom you can party all night, share your deepest insecurities, and get down to the nitty-gritty on money and career. I hope that my mentees, younger cousins, and friends’ Millennial kids have a Katina in their life; even if they do, I’m buying this book for them. In fact, I’m keeping a copy for myself, because the questions and exercises in On Adulting are ones that all of us should be exploring—no matter what our age and stage.”
— Christine Bader, author, The Evolution of a Corporate Idealist: When Girl Meets Oil
With clarity and compassion, Katina digs deep into the pressing issues that millennials are facing today. This book is an invitation to take a closer go beyond what’s holding us back in pursuit of sustainable growth.
— Morgan Harper Nichols, artist, poet, and author of All Along You Were Blooming: Thoughts For Boundless Living
This book is refreshingly honest and I think goes straight to the heart of the anxiety and fear that many young people feel. Written with authenticity and wry sense of humor, it offers real, concrete tactics to help you face your fears and get past them. I’ve been an adult for 30 years, and it was still an enjoyable read.
— Celeste Headlee, journalist, TED speaker, and best-selling author of Do Nothing: How To Break Away From Overworking, Overdoing and Underliving